Wednesday, October 17, 2007

TV is the Modern-Day Colosseum

While it is true that we now don’t do some of the horrible things the Romans used to do, we still, as a human race, haven’t improved very much.

Anyone who wants a glimpse of the barbaric things the Romans did, just hop down to BlockBuster and pick up Gladiator, starring Russell Crowe and directed by Ron Howard. Some historian buffs I personally know cringe at the Hollywood liberties taken on an almost historical movie, but it still depicts ancient Roman life fairly well. Plus, it’s an awesome movie.

But anyway, the point is that we really haven’t evolved very much since then.

The movie Gladiator depicts a world where Roman citizens pay the government for tickets to games held at the awesome, carved of stone, Colosseum. This is an enormous (in ancient standards) stadium where gladiators fight and kill one another for the enjoyment of the watching populace.

This usually comes across as a pretty sick practice, in the eyes of an average modern-day homosapien.

But we still go to stadiums to watch feats of physical prowess. People still beat each other bloody for the enjoyment of the masses. Hockey, boxing, football, and wrestling are all really good examples of this.

I’m usually told at this point that nobody is supposed to actually die at these events, and when it does happen, it shocks and saddens us. This is what makes us civilized.

That is true to a point, but when was the last time you saw a Hollywood action movie that showed less than ten deaths? How many without showing a single death in vivid detail?

This clever application of fake blood and CGI effects is what makes us civilized, and the Romans barbaric.

We may be perhaps less murderous than our Latin ancestors, but we have in no way lost our taste for a good, bloody show.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Vulcan's Lament

I marvel at the mortal inability to remember. It is hard for a God to comprehend death, and the frailties involved. Men take all of their memories to Pluto, leaving sons with but memories of conversations. I recall forging the molten core of the world as vividly and vibrantly as the flame of yesterday’s sunset.

It is because of this, I suppose, that mankind has such trouble retaining the faith of the old days. In man’s attempts to discover the facts of science, they forget the faith of the Gods. The petty knowledge man has gleamed has made them think they no longer need faith, and even the faith of the most faithful man today is eroded and cankered by what they call science.

I used to blow the furnaces of Rome with blistering heat, and now they stand cold, and ruined.

I melted the metal for a million swords, and am now replaced by the inventions of man’s own mind.

I kept volcanoes from destroying mankind, now let them do what they will, taking no hand in the randomness of nature.

I, who was praised and worshiped at the Volcanal by thousands every year, am now scorned and almost completely forgotten.

I have the power to blast man to the farthest star, and yet, their mightiest efforts using their own feeble knowledge can barely put a man on the moon.

It seems that the miracles of my sibling Gods are no longer needed by the greatness of man’s arrogance.
